Checking in with the Interns of SBF Advisors

Get to know George and Emilia - dive into their experiences as our current interns and learn all about their journeys at SBF Advisors!

Internships are a dynamic gateway for students to transform their classroom learning into hands-on experience. They offer an invaluable opportunity to dive into the real world, exploring diverse career paths related to their major. This immersive experience helps students pinpoint their passions and discover what truly excites them about their future careers. This year, SBF Advisors has had 10 interns, and below, two of them, George and Emilia, share their experiences and insights from their journey.

George Alexander

What has been the most rewarding part of your internship so far?
The most rewarding part of my internship so far has been the countless connections and relationships I’ve made within the SBF family. I know these relationships will last beyond this internship, and I value all of the kind people I’ve met.

How has your internship experience aligned with your career goals?
My internship experience has helped me align with my career goals as I’ve been able to dip my toes into both the audit and tax sides of public accounting—something I imagine some people only get to experience one side of. I believe having experience in both gives me a broader perspective that I can apply to my career one day.

What advice would you give to future interns at SBF?
My advice for future interns is to ask questions whenever you need clarification, no matter the subject, and make small talk with everyone you see each day. Those relationships will build, and you’ll feel like part of the family in no time!

Emilia Caton

What has been the most rewarding part of your internship so far?
The foundation and connections I have built at SBF have been the most rewarding part of my internship so far. Throughout my time at SBF, I have been able to develop my understanding of auditing as it pertains to different industries, and it has been great to see how all the things I have learned through academics transfer over to real-world accounting. What has really made the experience so fruitful are the people at SBF who have put the time and energy into helping me grow professionally!

How has your internship experience aligned with your career goals?
The industry experience I have gained during my time at SBF has been invaluable. The hands-on experience has given me the confidence to pursue a career in audit.

What advice would you give to future interns at SBF?
The advice I would give to future interns at SBF is to take advantage of all the resources provided. There are numerous tools and opportunities that will help you make the most of your time at SBF. Additionally, the people you’ll work with have a wealth of knowledge in the field and are incredible resources to learn from.

We appreciate George and Emilia for weighing in on their internship experience at SBF. Their stories not only highlight the practical skills they’ve gained but also reflect the supportive and dynamic environment we’ve cultivated. As we continue to invest in the next generation of accountants, we are inspired by their enthusiasm and dedication, and we look forward to welcoming more bright minds into our firm. Here’s to the future, where today’s interns become tomorrow’s leaders.