Celebrating Family Fun: SBF Advisors’ Annual “Bring Your Kids to Work Day”

Our annual day of joy, creativity, and connection for SBF families was a tremendous success.

At SBF Advisors, “People Matter Most” encompasses not only our employees and clients but also the families of our SBF team. On July 2nd, we celebrated our families by hosting our annual “Bring Your Kids to Work Day.” We welcomed employees’ children into the office, where they enjoyed a full “work” day of activities. The kids loved the chance to see where their parents work, learning about their daily routines and even pretending to be a part of our team for the day.

After morning doughnuts, the kids participated in a scavenger hunt game called ‘How to be a Great Boss.’ They explored the office, interviewing our team members about what they enjoy about working at SBF. Working collaboratively in groups, they used the information gathered along with their own imaginations to create presentations on what they would do if they were leaders at SBF. Lots of selfies were taken in partners’ offices, creative posters were constructed, and silly presentations were given. The kids loved the spotlight and hearing their own voices on a microphone.

A Chick-Fil-A lunch segued into an afternoon art class led by Audit Associate Emily Carlson. The children painted canvases with sea animals of their choice, with parents lending a helping hand. We love facilitating this recurring activity as a way to fill our office walls with brightly-colored children’s creations (come see them next time you visit!). There’s no better visual reminder that families come first at SBF.

Ice cream sundaes along with a movie on our big screens topped it all off, making it a memorable day spent together. The kids are already asking when they can come back!